18th Oct 2024

Happy 10th Birthday to Us!

The other day I was just casually looking back at some dates so to plot a few key milestones for the lifetime of Farm Locations. I couldn’t believe it – we were just two days away from being 10 when I looked – how did I not register that before?!  Time really does fly.

So on 16th October 2014, this website www.farmlocations.co.uk was BORN in a very simple form. It was the first public display of  a small handful of family farms under the banner of  “Farm Locations”. Marketing followed a few weeks later (more on that side when the milestone arrives) but for this milestone birth-day (that of the  first day of the website), it was once my 6 and 8 years old children went back to school after a long Summer, that my days and nights were spent dreaming, creating and writing, culminating in the quiet launch of a simple Word Press website 6 weeks later. My idea was now out in the open, and I’d taken a first step into DIY location promoting!

And here I am, 10 years down the lane, helped by a wonderful small team of Gemma and Carolyn, us all working hard to get more farms noticed within the film industry. The website has hugely upped its game since my limited attempts all those years ago – big shout out to brilliant tech whizz Richard who keeps us punching well above our weight.

Jo Thompson, Founder of Farm Locations

10 Years marks the start of a new phase 

So it’s real – I’ve now got a full ten years of learnings behind me. I’ve got so much experience to share! But what I’ve had to do in recent years is turn some landowners away, some who have approached us wanting to join the Farm Locations portfolio and learn from us too. We’ve had to be selective, so to remain boutique, personal, and fully able to serve our clients and owners well.

But that’s all about to change.  In the next few weeks we will be launching a new service called  THE FIELD It will be a subscription that is open to everyone, it’s non-selective and is set to help anyone who approaches us looking for some guidance. It’s a way for any landowner to access our expertise and get going in their own DIY way too. Take a look at more details on The Field here. It’s going live in the coming few weeks, so join the waiting list to be sure to get first dibs and access to a special launch offer.

Having started out as a ‘one woman band’ helping a handful of farms, I’m now so happy to be creating a new way to  reach out and offer our expertise to everyone in the rural space, keen to make a go of hosting too.

And whilst The Field is a big project still, I’m also now going to start planning lots of fun across our YEAR of BEING TEN ! Ten is for Tin as an anniversary, and did you know wriggly tin is my most favourite farm material of all? We are going to have a field day in celebrating being TEN!!

Thank you to everyone who has supported, encouraged and kept me going, across those 10 years since the seed was sown. It feels like we have only just got started in our mission to champion Britains farms in film. There’s so much more to do and I cannot wait to make it happen.







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